came across a paywall served by Poool — that's waaaaay more than 2017.
were added across our wonderful repositories.
of data were ingested by our infrastructure — that's a lot of JSON.
Most of the requests we handle come from France (around 90%), but the rest is spread across nearly every country.
Except Antarctica — those guys don't flex with paywalls.
Apps appart, this year was a raging battle between desktop & mobile web for the most used platform award.
In the fourth quarter of 2018, desktop users were placed on top — keep up the good work, desktop still rules.
2018 is also the year we decided to say goodbye to our dear friend CoffeeScript — which was for the best.
We rewrote our entire codebase from the ground up using the latest features ES6 & ESNEXT have to offer.
With more than 10 new projects created this year, we doubled the number of commits we made compared to last year.
The most used keywords in commit names across all repositories are “fix” and “typo” — who knew!?
Since our switch to Google Cloud Platform in the last quarter of 2017, our infrastructure is now more scalable than ever.
In this year alone, we stored a total 6b+ entries in BigQuery.
Thanks to GCP and the powerhorse that is Node, we currently easily handle 20k+ RPM while keeping a constant ~20ms response time for the end-user — and that won't change any time soon.
Our paywall is now natively available inside AMP, the open-source initiative aiming to make the web better for all.
We also created our own design system, Junipero, and its full-featured open-source React components library.
Send us an email at with your GitHub account and a fun description of yourself (because we're too lazy to build an email form anyway), and we'll be happy to review it as soon as possible.